January 3rd and 10th: Art Ready Days 8 & 9

Days 8 and 9 marked the end of our studio visits with our 2023-24 Art Ready Mentors.

On day 8 we visited mentor Megan Mi-Ai Lee at Greenwich House Pottery. Megan is an interdisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn; she has held multiple residencies and her works consist of sculpture, drawings, and ceramics. At our visit to Greenwich House Pottery, students were able to meet Megan and learn about her work as an artist. Inspired by the physical representation of an American spectacle, Megan creates works from her childhood visits to Las Vegas. Megan then led an activity for the students to create exquisite corpses out of clay. The students had some great creations! Check them out below →

Day 9 consisted of a visit to Lucky Risograph to visit mentor Isabella Wachsler. Isabella is a Brooklyn based illustrator and art educator specializing in risograph printmaking. At Lucky Risograph, Isabella explained and demonstrated what risograph printing is. Isabella then led an activity that allowed the students to each contribute a drawing of whatever they wanted that was printed into a collective poster using the risograph technique. Together, the students created a beautiful poster and each of them signed the original copy and were able to take one home. Check out the process!

Thank you to Megan and Isabella for having us and organizing two great visits. The art ready program is moving on to its next phase, to learn more, look out for Art Ready updates via our Instagram and blog! 

About smartready

Mentorship Program Manager, Smack Mellon
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